Friday 8 April 2011

National Union of Journalists Delegate Meeting.

This post is going to be structured weirdly compared to my usual style. As I am technically at the NUJ Delegate Meeting for work experience and more importantly as a Photographer, I'm going to do rolling updates, so everything will just appear as one big post.
As things go, apart from the terrible internet, everything has been quite exciting, and I've thoroughly enjoyed my first official day at the conference.

I'm currently using Lightroom to work through the conference as it auto-watermarks my image, which isn't one of my favourite things but I'm uploading straight to Flickr so (when the internet works) it makes everything a lot quicker. I think under a professional circumstances where I do have to work quickly it's great to use, but having made the huge move over to Aperture less than a year ago, I'm not sure when I'll have the time to do something that huge again, saying that I may move by the Easter holidays.


I've never been to a conference before so it's exciting to see so many people so passionate about issues within their fields.



The NUJ's oldest delegate attending the conference, Roy Jones aged 81.

The youngest delegate attending this weekend, Josh Taylor, aged 19


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